Analysis on the Legal Liability of Kaspersky for Customer Fraud

In recent, it has aroused public concern that the well-known security software firm, Kaspersky, was reported by CCTV, the Chinese state television, that its sales agents are likely to be fraudulent to the customers.

“Weekly Quality Report”, a program on CCTV, reports that some agents of Kaspersky trick customers to buy security software of Kaspersky by using ads which kept displaying a false virus warning. When the computer users are normally surfing the Internet, a pop-up ad appears to warn them that many serious threats such as viruses and Trojan horses are found in this computer and the computer system will be seriously damaged if the loopholes fail to be repaired in time. Because of worry about such viruses, many computer users spend RMB 20 buying the security software. In fact, such warning is just a trick to induce computer users to buy the security software. Ironically, when the customers visit the same web again after purchasing the recommended security software the virus warning still appears.


Could Tmall Beat Back the Attack with the Aid of Police?

                   —Analysis on the Possible Legal Countermeasures against Attack on Tmall

Highlights: Tmall is facing the attack from its small merchants for the dissatisfaction on the ons side increase on the annual fee. We would like to analyze the possible legal measure Tmall may take to combat such attack.

Recently, many merchants of Tmall, a subsidiary of the biggest China e-commerce company Alibaba Group, attacked the big merchants on that platform for the upsetting on the higher annual fee with a flood of fake orders and regulatory products return leading to the cripple of the brand sites.