How to Appropriately Deal with a Lawyer Letter- about Copyright

(By Xiong Leizhi) Some popular We Chat accounts recently received a lawyer letter about copyright infringement from a well-known picture library. Before that some We Media were sued for picture infringement. Content creators are in trouble since 2015 when capital flooded in and proceeds surged. In the circumstances where start-ups abound and the gross national attention remains constant, each start-up tries to attract customers quickly and keep their interest for a long time. However, it takes much time to create an original piece of content. As a result, increasingly more unauthorized copies of works appear. The above cases that recently happened arose out of infringement.


Chinese Tech Websites Begin to Pay More Attention to the Copyright of Translated Work

By You Yunting

The competition among Chinese tech websites is fierce, and in order to gain an advantage in the battle, many translate essays from American blogs into Chinese and publish them on their websites without permission from the author. Recently,, a China-based tech blog, announced they will no longer translate essays without authorization. Furthermore, they will withdraw all past unauthorized translations and ask permission from the authors.

Here is the whole story: Lawrence Li (李如一), an author for, translated What Is and Is Not a Technology Company by Alex Payne without authorization and posted it on An editor of Donews, a tech blog under Qianxiang, asked Mr. Li and another writer, Hu Wei, for authorization to reproduce the translated essay. Despite never giving confirmation, Mr. Lee later found that Donews had reproduced the essay.