A Case Showing the Legal Effectiveness of Property Transfer Signed on the Behalf of a Spouse

Case Summary:

(By Zhang Fan) A and B are married. After being married, the couple established a real estate company through joint investment, by which A holds eighty percent of the shares and the owns the remaining twenty percent. C and D wish to purchase all of the company’s shares, to which both A and B agree. Additionally, both participate in the preliminary negotiation with C. Afterwards, however, negotiation was only carried out between A and C, and A signed on behalf of B on the concluded Share Transfer Contract, Shareholders Decision, and the documents prepared for the change of administration. As provided in the Share Transfer Contract, A’s eighty percent share option would be transferred to C, and B’s twenty percent share option would be transferred to D. B did not sign her name on the contract. After the payment by C to A for the share transfer, both parties went to the Administration for Industry and Commerce to register the change. Now the share holding of the company is eighty percent for C and twenty for B (B never took care of the registration transferring ownership to D).


MCC Released the New Foreign Investment Industry Guide Catalog of 2012 Version

The Ministry of Commerce of China (the “MCC”) has recently revised the Foreign Investment Industry Guidance Catalog (the “Catalog”) recently, which will come into effect on 30th, January, 2012.

The Catalog is the important industry policy on guiding the foreign investment, and before this modification, it has been modified forth in 1997, 2001, 2002, 2004 and 2007 since the promulgation in 1995. And this post is the conclusion on the newly revised Catalog by Bridge IP Law Commentary.