Why Ctrip’s Opponent Failed in Charging Its Advertisement’s Unfair Competition?

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(By Albert Chen) For the company operation in China, whether its slogan would constitute the unfair competition, it shall first judge whether the parties involved are conducting the same or similar industries. After that, it shall verify whether the defendant has conducted the accused propaganda. The last and also is the most important, it shall confirm whether the prohibitive words or phrases have been adopted in the slogan, or whether its description has appeared to be exaggerated or not the truth, and the fit with the fact shall also be judged.


How to Decide the Domain Name Belonging When It Conflicts with Renowned Names?

(By Albert Chen) Our website has introduced readers to the dispute between Ms. Yue and Mr. Zhou Libo, a popular talk show act in China. Yue, the plaintiff, lost the case in the first instance, because the court decided that her domain name registration was likely infringement, and that the domain name shall be Zhou Libo’s property. Yue subsequently appealed to a higher court, and the court in the second instance also refused her demands.

Today, our website would introduce to our readers the standards and methods utilized in determining when infringement involving conflicts between domain name owners and a well known name occurs, based on the judgments of the first and the second instance courts.


Summary of Administrative Case Verdict on “Britney Spears” Trademark Squatting (II)

We introduced you to the first instance of Britney Spears’ trademark administrative lawsuit yesterday, and today we will continue that discussion concerning the second instance and provide our comments on the case.

In February 2012, Britney Spears appealed to the Beijing High People’s Court citing her dissatisfaction with the first instance decision. The court of second instance decided that as a first right, the right of publicity and use of one’s name is protected by Trademark Law. Furthermore, any unlicensed registration of the trademark would cause damage to the right of name when the relevant public mistakes the origin of the product or service with the name owner, or when the relevant consuming public believes there is an association between the two parties. Therefore, to determine whether a disputed trademark will harm the right to use one’s name, one must first consider whether the owner of the name is well known or popular. Moreover, to determine whether the relevant right will be regarded as a first right, the relevant date is the registration date of the disputed trademark. The focus of this case is whether Britney Spears was widely known in Mainland China among the relevant consuming public before the registration date of the disputed trademark, in this instance November 20, 2000; also, whether the relevant consuming public would be confused as to the source or origin of “布兰妮” or “Britney” as being substantially similar to the name Britney Spears, and thus inferring a relationship between the two parties. 


Summary of Administrative Case Verdict on “Britney Spears” Trademark Squatting (I)

(By Luo Yanjie) In past posts, we have introduced you to the trademark squatting of Yi Jian Lian, which is the name of a well-known basketball player in China. Today, we are going to show you another similar decision:

On 20th November 2000, Suzhou Yisheng Fashion Co., Ltd. (the “Yisheng Company”) applied for the trademark “布兰妮Britney” in Class 25, covering clothing articles, such as shirts, suits, coats, overcoats, skirts, t-shirts, wind coats and down jackets. The Trademark Office of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce (the “Trademark Office”), after conducting a preliminary examination, published the application on its No. 807 Trademark Announcement. Britney Spears filed an opposition to the Trademark Office within the statutory period.


Summary of the Administrative Case Verdict in the Yi Jian Lian Trademark Squatting Case


We are often consulted by clients asking what standards are used to determine trademark squatting, and why was malicious squatting found against Sony Ericson and HERMES but denied against COCA COLA or LANDROVER? Furthermore, once a trademark application has damaged anothers’ name right, copyright, or trade name right, what standards do courts use to determine infringement. Under the Trademark Law, what measures can be taken to protect the trademarks of well-known fictional figures, such as 007 or Harry Potter?


Legal Analysis on Conflict between Domain and Name Right According to Chinese Law, II

By Albert Chen

III. What are the user’s interests on the domain and fair reasons to the registration and using?

At present, the standard in practices to judge the user enjoys the interests on the domain is to determine whether there’s a connection between the user and the domain or the main part of the domain, and this connection involves the overlap or correspondence between the name, company name or trademark of the user and the domain.

Surely, it also comes to our attention that even there’s no overlap or correspondence as mentioned above, the interests on the domain of the user or a fair reason to the registration or using of the users could also be established when a domain has been operated for a long period and thereby accumulates the social reputation, like the 163. com of Netease and 360buy.com of Jingdong.